Lucky drinkers in the city will be offered a free pint with no strings attached.

Staff from drinks brand Brixton Brewery are visiting Brighton tomorrow to hand out free pints to punters. 

In support of the venues they are visiting, they will purchase the pint at full retail price over the bar. 

Speaking about the planned campaign, Jez Galaun, co-founder and managing director of Brixton Brewery said: “Last year we were very proud that Brixton Brewery became the 4th biggest craft brewery in the on-trade.

"We’re now stocked in over 3000 pubs, and we see all of this success as a testament to how much drinkers love our beers. With this in mind, a sampling campaign just made sense. We believe that if people get to try a pint of Brixton, they’ll want to buy another.”

In a Facebook post about the campaign, Brixton Brewery said: "Hey Brighton, this round's on us.

"We are in Brighton on Saturday, May 18, so keep your eyes peeled and let us know if you spot us in your local."