A Sussex Police detective who was accused of hitting someone with a door has kept his job after a disciplinary hearing.

Detective Constable Thomas Hanway had been accused of pushing a door into someone known to him and was arrested and charged with assault after the incident in May 2022.

But after a jury cleared him of wrongdoing Sussex Police have issued him with a final written warning.

DC Hanway, who works in West Sussex, was alleged to have assaulted the person during an incident which occurred while he was off duty.

A trial in March 2023 found him not guilty of common assault.

Sussex Police found he still had a case to answer and determined his conduct amounted to gross misconduct.

He was given a final written warning which will stay on his record for two years.

Sussex Police DCI Sarah Gillies said: “We are committed to conducting full and thorough investigations into any allegations of violence perpetrated by officers or staff, either on or off duty.

"The actions of the officer in this case fell short of the high standards we expect.”