A woman berated a father and his young family on a flight and hurled racist abuse at him, a court heard.

Chappy Black shouted and swore at the father-of-three as she threw her arms in the air and moved erratically.

Black, 32, later threatened to confront the man “when we get back to my country” before hurling racial slurs at the man.

A trial at Brighton Magistrates Court heard that Black, from Enfield, was travelling on the same British Airways flight as a young family from Birmingham.

The father-of-three, who is part Bangladeshi, said: “She was really erratic, aggressive and really loud.

“Her behaviour was completely unacceptable.”


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Black and the family were travelling from Marrakesh to Gatwick Airport in February last year when she started complaining that their young child was “f****** p****** me off”.

She was later heard saying: “Watch what I do to this p*** guy. Watch when I land back in my country, watch what I do to them.”

Black, who had been travelling with her best friend and goddaughter after a surprise holiday to Morrocco, was heard to have used the racist slur on three occasions.

The court heard that other passengers on the flight were moved away from her following her outburst.

Giving evidence, Black denied having said the racial slur as well as screaming and throwing her hands in the air.

But, in her police interview after the incident, she said that she had been “venting to the sky” after being awoken on the three hours long flight.

Once the flight landed at Gatwick, police officers escorted Black from the plane.

Black was found guilty of racially aggravated harassment against the man but was acquitted of a second identical charge against her victim’s wife.

She earlier pleaded guilty using threatening or abusive language towards the couple.

Delivering her verdict, District Judge Amanda Kelly said: “You were clearly behaving in an erratic fashion.

“This was a really serious act made all the more serious by the fact that it happened on an aircraft.”

Judge Kelly ruled out prison time. Black will be sentenced in July.