A teacher has committed to meditating 1,000 days in a row in aid of a mental health charity.

Ross Edwards, Chichester meditation teacher, is hoping to raise £2,000 for West Sussex Mind, a mental health charity that offers support for all who are struggling with mental illness.

Ross, 28, is currently more than 250 days through the challenge, which is scheduled to finish on May 2, 2026.

Ross suffered from poor mental health himself, and spoke of how meditation helped him through dark times.

He said: “I find that meditation has given me an insight into my thinking habits in a way that I have never come across in any other method before and it helps me understand my mental world in a very direct way. It gives me a tool that I can use when I am not myself.”

He utilises his experiences to help others, running classes at the University of Chichester for staff to cope with everyday stress.

He said: “What we do is monthly classes doing different material and it is a different focus so one month we work with thinking, another we will work with the body, another emotions. People have had a lot of breakthroughs in terms of insight into themselves, as well as habit changing and finding a way to be happy in the midst of their life.”.

“I feel I am motivated because I know I have got quite a lot of students now so I feel that I am doing it for them and that really boosts me. I do have some resistance some days but then I remind myself of the bigger picture, that I am doing it for charity. I am also doing it to help my students and everything I learn I can teach.”