Police are urging people to be more "deer aware" while driving.

Residents have been asked to "drive with caution" as young deer are more likely to be crossing the roads at this time of year as they leave breeding areas.

Rother Police advised people to look out for deer warning signs, especially in woodland areas, and to stay alert on the roads.

Drivers should also be prepared to stop at the last minute.

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A spokesman for Rother Police said: "If a deer crosses in front of you, it is likely that another will follow.

"If it is safe to do so, slow right down or stop and wait. Deer are unpredictable so drive with caution."

Motorists should use full-beam lights after dark when there is no oncoming traffic.

The powerful beam will illuminate the eyes of deer either on or near the road, making them easier to spot.

If a deer or other animal is already on the road, drivers should dip their headlights as the sudden brightness may frighten the animal, causing them to freeze rather than move away from the road.