The Men’s Network has been told it must change its name and objectives before April 1st if it is to gain charity status.

In a letter from the UK Charity Board, The Network has been informed that in line with new equalities legislation governing charities, it can only be granted full charitable status if it changes its name.

The Charity Board has considered its application and has come to the conclusion that restricting services in favour of just men and boys cannot be justified under The Equality Act 2010.

They recommend amending charitable objectives to include women and girls and adopting a new name in line with equalities legislation.

Its objectives must embrace a diverse range of people irrespective of their gender or gender identity.

The Network must now consider if it is prepared to change four of its key objectives – improving male health, helping boys at school, supporting fathers and getting more men mentoring – to improving all health, helping everyone at school, supporting parents, guardians, carers and step parents and getting more persons personing (or people peopling).

To fight the struggle to keep its name, there will be a benefit gig on SUNDAY 10TH APRIL 2011 at DR BRIGHTON'S.

AMEND -- The gig part of the joke is true. The rest is an April Fool's Day joke.