COMMUNITY ACTION AGM This year’s Hangleton and Knoll ‘Community Action’ Annual General Meeting will be taking place at St Richards Community Centre on Wednesday 28th April between 10.30am – 12.30pm. This is a valuable opportunity to get involved in your local community, and to have your say , meet the police and local services - or just find out what has been going on over the past year!

The event is sponsored by the Healthy Neighbourhood fund, and you will be able to view a display showcasing all of the projects funded by the ‘Healthy Neighbourhood Fund’ over the past year, with an opportunity to review what went well.

Light refreshments will be available. To find out more, contact Ann or Pat on 01273 414483.

KEEP FIT CLASSES For anyone interested in getting in shape after an excess of chocolate at Easter, you may be interested to know that Keep-Fit classes will be taking place at St Richards Community Centre in Egmont Road on Mondays, between 11 am and 12pm.

The classes will be run on a drop in basis, and commence on Monday 22nd March. Each session will cost £2.50.

All you need is comfy clothes and footwear! For more details, contact Lizzie on 01273 410858.

FESTIVAL UPDATE Plans are now well underway for this year’s Hangleton and Knoll Community Festival and dates for the main events will be announced shortly. To keep up with the latest news on the festival, keep an eye on the website at

If you are interested in joining the committee, or in volunteering your services in any way, be it by stewarding at an event, helping set up events or in any other capacity you can think of, then please contact Caroline Shears, the festival secretary on 01273 235721 or 07888792002 or email