A short, sweet set of erratic punk pleased a rowdy Sticky Mike’s Frog Bar, as Meat Wave’s first performance this side of the Atlantic proved a brutal success.

The Chicago-based trio clearly weren’t planning on a quiet debut.

Rapid, messy guitars angrily vibrated through the walls of the basement venue, as the band showcased their new record, Brother.

A well thought-out set saw eerie, muddy build ups and plodding drum beats kick each song into gear.

Sporadic chord changes and quick, jangly riffs seem a prominent theme for many of Meat Wave’s tracks.

Although this, along with the piercingly clean guitar tones, felt a little hard to comprehend at first, each track seemed to grip the audience.

The group wasted no time, eagerly merging each track to maintain the burning energy levels. The hugely dynamic feel of track, Sunlight, brought an impressively tight set, which seemed to go by in an instant, to a thunderous close.

Clearly the time has come for the DIY trio to emerge from mom’s dingy garage, as a suitably diluted UK punk show debut showed off some promisingly catchy material.

Meat Wave are definitely ones to watch for the future.