The Lord Chamberlain’s Men could be forgiven for thinking the Gods were against them when their tour bus with all their set and costumes was stolen on Monday and the heavens threatened to open for their opening night.

In the end, company managed to sort out a new wardrobe and build a new set with more than a day to spare – and the threatened thunderstorm never quite materialised to dampen the evening. The classic tale of revenge, romance, magic and dastardly plotting is a favourite with audiences and actors alike.

Ronnie Yorke switches effortlessly between romantic lead Prince Ferdinand and unscrupulous politician Antonio who has callously usurped the place of his brother as Duke of Milan.

Simon Jenkins plays the part of Antonio’s uncle and unscrupulous sidekick before stepping into the role of Prospero’s daughter, Miranda and object of Prince Ferdinand’s yearning.

Set adrift from Naples and shipwrecked on an island, Prospero, played by Danann McAleer gets the chance to turn the tables on the plotters before forgiving them their double dealings and giving his blessing to the union of Miranda and Ferdinand.

Reece Richardson is particularly eye catching as Caliban the wizened slave and Patrick Neyman as Trinculo the jester. Duncan Mitchell is effective as Stephano the drunken butler and the more carefree Gonzalo.

The visit to Brighton is the start of an 18 week tour that will include over 80 performances and almost 70 open air venues in parks and stately grounds and culminating in September with three performances each in France and Germany.

The company have attempted to recreate the spirit of Shakespeare’s own touring company and recapture the spirit of the time by performing in Elizabethan costume with song and dance and an all male cast.

Their fame has obviously preceded them and despite the unsettled weather the venue was packed.