Everything Tammy Needs To Know About Getting Older And Having Sex was an adventurous piece by performance artist Lois Weaver, exploring how our attitudes towards sex and relationships change as we age.

Her aesthetic was stark; reflecting her quest for visibility as she stood on a bare stage in a blond wig.

The performance contained a great deal of insight into the lives of a generation who are often ignored by popular culture and diminished as they age.

Weaver was very skilled at getting what she wanted out of the audience, causing them to open up through her example of openness and curiosity. The initial audience responses set up an intimate atmosphere where people were surprised by how readily they shared their private lives.

The rest of the performance, peppered with country songs and interviews with a chosen group of backing singers to represent sexuality in the over 60s, unfortunately lacked a clear structure; failing to capitalise on the earlier buzz created by the audience interaction.

This material could work a lot better with a less conventional staging such as an interactive installation to allow the audience to fully explore individual stories and experiences.