Care aplenty had been taken to make this production successful as a participatory occasion. As a result it was great fun for the audience, treated as friends and family of the happy couple.

Best man Simon never yet turned up with the rings, bride-to-be June had no one to walk her down the aisle – guests stepped in on both counts - and previously unvoiced expectations Richard and June found they had of one another rose to the surface during the service, only for the wedding to be called off and the now sombre wedding party asked to leave the delightful little gem of a church opposite The Iron Duke.

On the surface the story was farcical; it could also be understood at a deeper level, one not unfamiliar perhaps to any young couple facing matrimony. June’s wedding dress was a superb ad for Yasemins Gowns bridal boutique.

Some speeches, like Richard’s mum’s hissy fit about the flowers, were unnecessarily overwrought, and some lines cringeworthy, like Richard’s claim he had to “work like I do if ever we are to have children”.

Happily, all was not lost, and after a spot of facilitated time travel we celebrated after all – with cake.

Three stars