Advertised as 'hardcore Americana' the extraordinary Tim Eriksen delivered two sets of uncompromising intensity.

Eriksen is a professor and musicologist, so it was fitting that the audience sat like children in class as he took them on a journey through traditional New England and Southern Appalachia folk music.

Banjo, fiddle and guitar were all played with masterly authority, an in-your-face directness full of the punk attitude evident in Eriksen's own band, Cordelia's Dad.

For a small pub gig this intensity was quite wearing, despite his virtuostic performance and Eriksen's cordiality between songs.

The introductions were very long, fluent, full of tasty nuggets yet lacked the humour to always keep them engaging.

There is an edge to any performer who sings an unaccompanied song with his arms folded while eye-balling the audience, it is a unapologetically challenging stance.

Eriksen's vocal expressed the same attitude, there was little softness or vulnerability even when singing a soft and vulnerable ballad.

This was indeed hardcore.

As with everything else he touched when Eriksen whistled it was exceptional and compelling.

In fact, a passing local had to retrieve his dog from the door of the pub!

Three Stars