
SET in an era when socialists were defined as “people who have no manners”

and the best therapy was considered to be stamp collecting, A Room With A View gives a glimpse into a society largely peopled by frustrated, clever women and bigoted, domineering men.

That Adrian Noble’s deft production would be brimming with gentle delights was obvious from the moment the curtain went up.

The expertly designed sets and lighting, exquisite costumes and perfect casting certainly do full justice to E M Forster’s classic comedy of romantic errors.

Felicity Kendal plays the role of the imperious, ultimately sympathetic Charlotte to perfection, while Lauren Coe injects humour, gravitas and immense likeability into troubled heroine Lucy Honeychurch. David Killick proves suitably kindly and buff (especially in the famous pond bathing scene) in the role of the Reverend Cuthbert Eager.

The only slight flaw lies in Tom Morley’s under-confident portrayal of George Emerson; when he grabbed Lucy in his embrace and kissed her forcefully on the mouth, you didn’t quite believe it.

But although the ending is, equally, a little hard to buy, E M’s beautifully crafted words more than warranted the genteel “R” in his surname.