
The jewel of the winter garden, sometimes known as the Christmas or Lenten rose, this popular perennial flowers reliably from late winter to early spring. Its elegant flowers and attractive leathery leaves bring a lift of colour from pale green to white, cream to pink, and purple to almost black. There are about 20 species of herbaceous, evergreen, perennial flowering types. Their resistance to frost and tolerance of shady conditions makes them a popular choice and favourites include Helleborus foetidus, Helleborus niger and Helleborus hybridus.

Plant them in heavy, rich, limey soil that won’t dry out in summer months. Their leaves die down in June or July, after which the plants should be kept cool and shaded until they begin to grow again in early spring.

Best planted in herbaceous borders and in areas between deciduous shrubs and under trees, hellebores sit beautifully with snowdrops, primula and pulmonaria. Cornus, often grown for its coloured stems which are brightest in winter, and mahonia, a popular winter-flowering shrub grown for its bright yellow flowers, are also good plant partners.

The Argus:


Forcing rhubarb

If you are growing rhubarb and fancy harvesting some a little earlier than normal, place a rhubarb forcer or upturned bucket or dustbin over one of your well-established crowns now. The combination of darkness and warmth will help to produce the sticks earlier and should ensure they are tender. Forced rhubarb should be ready to harvest around eight weeks after covering.

Don’t force the same crowns two years in a row. Alternate them for the best results.