Do you spend hours sitting at a desk, in the car or on the sofa? Chances are your posture will suffer and you may start to feel tension, stiffness and soreness creep into your back and shoulders.

Taking time to look after the health of your back doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are three steps to a stronger back:

1. Keep mobile

Years ago, advice for dealing with a sore back was to take bed rest. We now know the exact opposite – staying active – gives better results. Although staying active may seem the last thing you want to do with back pain, research shows being inactive will actually make things worse.

Want to fit more activity into your day? Then use these simple strategies:

  • Take the bus to work? Try getting off a stop earlier from your destination and walk the rest.
  • Work at a desk or spend time driving? Take a ten-minute break every 45 to 60 minutes and walk.
  • Drive to work or the shops? Grab a music player and headphones instead of the car and listen to your favourite tracks as you walk.

2. Stay flexible

Keep your back in great shape with these simple stretches.

  • Child’s pose: On your hands and knees slowly move your bottom backwards, maintaining a natural curve in your spine and moving bum to heels. Hold for one breath, return and repeat.

  • Knee rolls: Lying on your back with a small flat cushion or book under your head, knees bent and together, roll knees to one side followed by the pelvis, keeping shoulders on the floor. Hold the stretch for a breath, return and repeat.

3. Stay strong

Take spinal strength to the next level and keep your back super strong with these straightforward exercises:

  • Bird dog: On your hands and knees lift the opposite arm and leg simultaneously, thumb to the sky and ankle high. Hold for a breath, return and repeat on the other side.

  • Half push-ups: Lying on your front, look up and push up, lifting your head and shoulders up with your arms keeping your hips on the floor. Hold for a count of five and then gently lower yourself back down.

For full descriptions of all exercises, visit

Rob Jones is a personal training mastermind, kettlebell addict, outdoor fitness fanatic and chief of StrideFit, purveyors of fitness bootcamps and personal training in Brighton and Hove.