SUSSEX is bracing itself for a heatwave over the next few days.

The Met Office issued a Level 2 heat health watch alert for Sussex and the south east as temperatures rose today.

They are expected to continue throughout today reaching 27c and into tomorrow and possibly return over the bank holiday weekend.

The very young, the elderly and the seriously ill are the groups who are particularly at risk of health problems when the weather is very hot and people are being warned to be on their guard.

In particular, the weather can make heart and breathing problems worse.

Public Health England consultant Thom Waite said: “We’re urging everyone to keep an eye on those you know who may be at-risk this summer.

“If you’re able, ask if your friends, family or neighbours need any help.”

“The hot weather will put an extra strain on bodies and people may feel the ill-effects.

“Each year we hear stories of people who have fallen seriously ill because, even though it’s hotter, they may wear clothes which are too warm for hot weather, they may not drink enough or try to do too much.”

Hospitals are also preparing themselves for a potential surge in demand.

During the last heatwave the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton experienced a sharp rise in the number of elderly patients needing to be admitted after suffering dehydration and heat related problems.

It has already made preparations, including identifying naturally cooler rooms that vulnerable people can be moved to if necessary and make sure enough extra supplies of ice and cool water are available.