SEVEN shops in a popular Brighton have closed down.

Traders in St James’s Street, Kemptown, have been speaking of their fears after the closures.

Another shop is expected to shut down shortly.

Mark Haines, owner of Haines Security, said: “It’s more to do with the internet, people can buy stuff online so they don’t need to go to the shops.”

He said that now there are more coffee shops and food outlets than anything else on the street ‘because you can’t buy that online.’

Darren Hubbard of Kemp Town Flooring said there is a high level of anti-social behaviour on the street.

He said:: “You get a lot of drunks and homeless here, I don’t know if that influences things.

“There are a lot of people around that can be off-putting for shoppers.

“It can be a bit intimidating out there and the police aren’t always quick to respond.”

Neil Rushton, owner of Hunter Florist, said: “I think on this street there is an issue with homeless people and aggressive people who are begging.

“There is a lot of drug dealing you see on the street and it does make it a threatening place.

“Unfortunately, due to police cuts there is only occasionally a local bobby presence and I think that has made this an easy street for them to come to.”

The traders agree a combination of shoppers being put off by potentially unsavoury people and shoppers using the internet are likely to be the main causes of the abandoned shops.

Mr Rushton said with any trade you must know it well, and that being presentable and inviting is important to attracting shoppers and tourists.

“If you want to attract tourists they want it look nice,” said Mr Rushden.

Haines Security has successfully traded on the street for 20 years and Mr Haines puts this down to adapting during quiet periods and investing money into sponsoring local football teams. He is confident of the future.

He said: “I have seen the street change a lot but a lot of the shops that were here then are still here.”