I CANNOT believe someone is complaining about people smoking cannabis/weed/hash in the streets of Brighton.

There seems to be some outraged taboo about the taking of the herb. A drug that in over 10,000 cases of documented use has killed no one.

What causes more affront to me is the amount of alcohol being consumed on the streets.

This drug wrecks people’s lives and the amount of people drinking in sight of children is astounding.

I would suggest we get alcohol off the streets before any cannabis related products. Alcohol is ruining this city and we are teaching our kids it’s OK.

Perhaps our council and police force could set up a weed tolerant beach area, where smokers could go not to get weed but to smoke it socially with friends.

We did it in the Seventies with the nudist beach (public nudity is still illegal).

A charge could be taken to pay for a security a fence to keep youths away and a kiosk set up to supply chocolate for the munchies.

Smoking cannabis is not the problem, alcohol is the scourge of the city.

Russell Smith Selham drive Coldean Brighton