I WOULD love to be able to say I can't believe the latest idea for traffic control in Wycombe replacing roundabouts with traffic lights.

Sadly though it is just what one might expect from transport planners who appear to have an almost unblemished record of failure. From traffic lights to bus lanes, chicanes and speed humps, the traffic in Wycombe has been reduced to a crawl.

Replacing roundabouts with traffic lights should bring everything nicely to a standstill. The blame will doubtless be laid at the feet of the poor motorist for using the roads that planners have rendered impassable. Then it will be: "Get rid of the cars and allow the nice buses more room"!

Traffic lights are not more efficient than roundabouts. They are also not so eco-friendly, costing more to install and maintain, and creating more traffic pollution.

And have you noticed how the traffic queues are much less when the lights have failed completely?

So, planners, leave our remaining roundabouts alone! They are efficient, self-regulating and cheap.

I for one have no wish to subsidise some half-baked plan which can only add more misery to the daily rush hour crawl.

Rupert Scrivener

Lucas Road

High Wycombe