Having suffered, along with many others, the misery that has been caused by the roadworks on the A259 between Ovingdean and Peacehaven, on Tuesday we were once again stationary and appalled to be treated to a “drive-by” from the Brighton and Hove mayoral car – CD1 – cruising down the bus lane.

Obviously the mayor and his entourage are more important than the thousands who have to wait patiently in line after a hard day’s work on a road that is and will be far from improved when finished.

Maybe we should all follow his example in a bid to get home quicker or perhaps the mayor would like to get on the bus?

D Butcher, Slindon Avenue, Peacehaven

Further to the many letters in The Argus regarding the Newhaven to Brighton bus park, (sorry, corridor), David Rowland (Letters, August 11) may like to know that a month ago I sent emails to the highways departments at Brighton and Hove City Council and East Sussex County Council raising many of the issues that people now refer to.

What response did I get?

From the city council I received a brief message saying that my letter would be answered as soon as possible. The county council spelt my name wrong, but promised that a transport planning officer would answer in ten days. Since then I have heard nothing whatsoever.

It is hardly surprising that council officials get a reputation for being poorly skilled, unprofessional and remote from the public they work for when they make a tolerably poor situation markedly worse, fail to do anything effective about it and do not adhere to their own standards in customer relations.

Letters in The Argus rightly cite increased danger to road users as being the issue of most concern. As an ex-police officer, with more than 30 year’s experience, I can only agree. Having witnessed the aftermath of three serious collisions on this stretch of road in the past month, my view is that unless something sensible is done, and quickly, things will get worse and people may die. Will our councils be accountable then?

Name and address withheld

  • Put your questions to the man responsible for the A259 bus lane scheme.

Councillor Matthew Lock, cabinet member for transport at East Sussex County Council, will be answering questions live online.

Questions will be answered live from 12.30pm to 1.30pm tomorrow.