The proposed change to local beach bylaws are inherently dangerous to windsurfers and kitesurfers and are far more likely to result in injury or death than the current situation.

The current plan ignores Defra and Rospa's recommendation to work with groups to agree a voluntary code of practice.

There has been no proper consultation of those most affected by the proposal, namely windsurfers and kitesurfers. Any views expressed have been ignored.

The proposed plan is fundamentally flawed. No research has been carried out to establish the actual risks to swimmers by windsurfers and kitesurfers.

There has been no public debate on a matter of public interest, namely the draconian restriction to the use of the sea.

The report does not convey the genuine views of a significant number of those consulted who actually object to the proposals, even though they supported the need to modernise the bylaws.

-Jeremy Pendlebury, Hove