I went to Brighton and Hove City Council's conservation area advisory group to look at a model of the development proposed for the Brighton station site.

The applicants for planning permission, mainly Railtrack and Sainsbury's, claim it will be "an exemplar of 21st-Century urban development" but I could not see the faintest glimmer of originality or inspiration in this dreary waste of lumpish blocks stretching up the slope from St Bartholomew's to the station.

The architect's spin of phrases such as "courtyards with semi-public access" (what?), "community development trust" and "keyworker bed space apartments" could not conceal that what is proposed is a throwback to the worst of the Sixties - drab blocks of flats decked with cosmetic touches such as shiny metal roof panels, cedarwood cladding and useless poles.

These crude structures in a warren of wind-tunnel streets will surely become the slums of 2015.

I hope the council's planning sub-committee will give this application the boot it deserves.

-Philip Smith, Havelock Road, Brighton