An innovative sanitary protection brand has launched a ‘rap battle’. A new short film dramatises the benefits of using Mooncup versus more common forms of sanitary protection like tampons and sanitary pads.

Two crews, representing Mooncup and Tampon, ‘battle it out’, pitting the typical emotional reactions of users of conventional sanitary products against the benefits of using Mooncup. It is the second film from Mooncup, based in Arundel Place, Brighton.

The company sparked controversy two years ago by releasing the ‘Love Your Vagina’ song which featured 25 different names that women use for their vaginas.

Kath Clements, the campaigns and marketing manager, said the firm needs to be creative in using their marketing budget against the multimillion pound spending of disposable sanitary product giants.

She said: “Ultimately choosing the right sanitary product for you is really personal. We’d just like to make sure that women choose knowing the facts.

“Staging a rap battle was a playful way to present some of the reservations about using the Mooncup that we hear, alongside the benefits.”