Women drivers are to be taught how to use everyday objects to defend themselves against road rage maniacs.

Some 92 women have already signed up to take part in the Women in the Driving Seat course in Eastbourne.

The lessons, offered by Vauxhall dealership Eastbourne Motoring Centre, are designed to help female motorists deal with dangerous driving and "motorway madness".

As well as practical instruction on personal awareness and self-protection, experts will also be on hand at the dealership in Cavendish Bridge, Eastbourne, to discuss basic car maintenance and the psychology behind car confidence.

Publicity material for the event on June 12 states: "As part of the course, volunteers from the audience will be invited to take part in role-play by a personal self-protection specialist and learn how to beat the bullies behind the wheel and, if diplomacy fails, how to use everyday objects normally found about one's person for self-protection and to ensure a rapid escape from a would-be attacker."

Practical advice will also be given on defensive driving and the frequent causes of aggressive, dangerous driving.

Gail Taylor, marketing manager of Eastbourne Motoring Centre, said: "Personal safety and security are imperative for everyone, particularly women today.

"The menace of aggressive, inconsiderate driving on our roads seems to be increasing at the moment and we believe that all it takes is a little care and consideration to avoid situations which can escalate into the kinds of tragic incidents we have all heard about recently.

"We want women to enjoy their independence and freedom and be able to travel safely and confidently on our roads.

"We hope that, by highlighting the risks facing women drivers, the course will provide them with a wealth of information and practical advice."

Mrs Taylor stressed that the course is not designed to encourage motorists to take the law into their own hands by becoming attackers themselves.

She said: "Our Women in the Driving Seat evening is free to anyone who wishes to steer clear of trouble or be able to deal with their own road rage.

"It offers a realistic but fun approach to combating road danger and will help them to tackle a whole range of possible situations."

Visitors will also have the opportunity to receive some practical hands-on advice from the centre's service technicians who will speak about dealing with roadside emergencies, routine car maintenance and car safety checks.

Men are also welcome to attend the event.

To reserve a place on the course, call Eastbourne Motoring Centre on 01323 720681.

Have you been a vistim of road rage? Tell us your story below.