CERTAINLY Spring has sprung and the tulips are looking fabulous.

Over 3,500 bulbs were newly planted in the Italian and Rose Garden, and Garden of Allah at Borde Hill Garden.

Anemones nestle under trees and tulips stand proud in formal beds.

Last Autumn, pittosporums were removed from the Italian Garden to create space for the tulips.

When the tulips are over they will be replaced with different colours of cosmos, creating an explosion of colour from throughout the Summer.

Borde Hill is celebrating the 125th Anniversary of when Colonel SRC bought the House and created the Garden, known for its rare magnolias, camellias, rhododendrons and azaleas.

All the new planting contributes to the Garden’s charity aims to enhance the Garden and preserve its fauna and flora.

Don’t miss the carpets of bluebells and giant rhododendrons in the woodland.