In response to your recent article about sexual activity at Dukes Mound in daylight, as a gay man I, too, think it’s wrong for such activities to take place during daylight and agree such people should be fined for carrying out such acts in a place used by families.

But such articles harm the gay community as the vast majority of these acts in daylight are carried out by closet gays/bisexuals – in other words men who are probably married or have girlfriends. These men are also the ones that take the biggest risks as they can’t carry condoms in case their female partners find them.

Such areas are not frequented by the vast majority of out gays in Brighton and Hove.

So I agree, like the vast majority of the gay community, that action should be taken – but don’t blame us gays. Blame the ones that have not accepted their sexuality.

R Pattinson, Fourth Avenue, Hove