I am very disturbed to learn from your pages of the impending closure of a number of children’s centres across the city.

Having served on the board of a children’s centre in a poor London borough, I can say that the centres were one of the greatest achievements of the Labour government.

For the first time, kids from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds got the intervention at a pre-school age that put them in a better position for ‘big’ school.

It saddens me that this lousy coalition government has decided to pick on kids when it comes to protecting the wealth of the rich. That we cannot expect much from the Greens is not surprising. Essentially they are a conservative political philosophy that strangely attracts Trotskyists.

That they don’t give a damn about working-class families is not surprising given the better-off socio-economic position of them.

They look on Tory government that automatically follow from voting Green with equanimity. The Greens on the City Council have a record of posturing and broken promises.

Their strategy is to push things until they break and hold up their hands and say ‘it wasn’t me, it was the big boy that done it!’

Edward Crask

Suffolk Street, Hove