The snow halted everything – especially my social life!

January tends to be a quiet month anyway, what with the shock to your system of going back to work and the shock to your bank account that the Christmas season brought. But nothing prepared me for this year - after falling in the first flurry of snow and breaking my wrist and hand, I was stuck inside as I turned into a wuss - too scared of slipping again in the snow.

Last week would have seen me begin my second course of Street Funk. Now understandably, due to insurance purposes they prefer me not to attend until my hand is better (or that’s what they tell me). But prior to that, I did go for 6 weeks. My idea was that it would be a great course to take up over the winter months while it was too cold outside.

It was good fun and not too hard, I felt like one of the cool kids, learning, not only what things like body popping are, but also how to do them! The only complaint I would have is that I never felt fully exercised after the class - guess this is because although we were dancing, there were lots of stops where the teachers talked through the routine and showed us what to do. I was hoping that one day I would progress to the next level as I would see the advance level before mine, and they had definitely filled in their exercise quota!

It will be a while before I go back. But at least now the snow has melted, and I only have a few weeks left in my cast so I am ready to play again!