Brighton and Hove prides itself on being a progressive city.

However, we should not overlook the fact that not everybody fits in.

The efforts currently being organised by Fiyaz Mughal to strengthen community relations and push out bigotry are commendable – and we should all listen to what he has to say.

He has spoken to dozens of residents from a range of different communities. He has done the ground work and we can learn a lot from him.

One of the suggestions he has made is that there is a need for role models and for people to collectively reject all forms of extremism and racism. This is something everyone in the city can work towards.

It should not have to take the lurking threat that marginalised people might be pushed into the hands of violent ideologues to make us try and improve our local society.

Attending community meetings, helping out a neighbour, tidying up the park, talking to those around us – small but important ways we can all help in our everyday lives.