AIRPORT capacity is an issue we have been clumsily grappling with for generations with successive politicians kicking the can down the road time after time.

So as our European neighbours have gotten fully up to date, with multiple runways and airports in their key cities, the UK has lagged behind and is fast filling up.

While it is absolutely right that we take the time to make the right decision, there is no more excuse for delay or obfuscation.

David Cameron has already been accused of political expediency by putting off the massive decision during the last parliament.

He commissioned a report to effectively defer the decision and now he must face up to a mess of his own making with two unenviable options.

He either admits wasting £20 million in public funds on the commission and ignoring the report. Or he opts for the politically toxic Heathrow, which he famously said would never happen, “no ifs, no buts”.

That is why the recommendation to expand Heathrow is a true head in hands moment - it is also inevitable the move would backfire.

Gatwick is far cheaper, far more deliverable and the clear passengers' favourite after billions of pounds in private investment.

It does not involve building a £6 billion tunnel under the M25 or demolishing 800 homes.

Nor will it risk creating a mutiny in the heart of government, which could cause it to collapse and spread instability throughout the country.

While a second runway at Gatwick would no doubt affect some residents and involve demolitions, these pale into insignificance when compared to the vast destruction that would be wrought by Heathrow.

A third runway at Heathrow would be the wrong decision and has been faced down before.

Heathrow may be our biggest airport but it has been a basket case for years. It is time to invest in the next generation.