It is astonishing to see the disparity in the way justice is applied in Britain.

As The Argus reported on April 16, a dog-owner who caused his pet immense suffering by cruelly cutting off its tail received a mild sentence of a few weeks in prison plus a limited ban on pet-owning, whereas the Home Office (presumably with the full approval of the Home Secretary and the Prime Minister) recently deported the teenage student Yashika Bageerathi back to Mauritius because she had reached the age of 19, refusing her permission to stay and take the A-Level exams she had long been preparing to sit only six weeks later.

The Government has thereby blighted this young woman’s praiseworthy efforts to educate herself and better her position in life.

It has showed a degree of inhumanity and callousness which I find incomprehensible and despicable.

The fact that no other party leader has even bothered to raise his voice on behalf of the student totally appals me – so much so that I shall not be casting my vote in any future elections.

Dennis B Stuart, Marine Parade, Brighton