ONCE again Labour Councillor Warren Morgan introduces party politics into his argument against further council tax charges by claiming that the need for a local increase is “due to the Conservative Government cuts”.

Perhaps Mr Morgan should be reminded of the fact that it was the previous three New Labour governments’ complete incompetence with the country’s purse that has left this country in the situation it is currently in.

For 15 years Labour spent money Britain simply did not have and left this country in a poor economic position.

Recent history shows that a Labour government has never left office with a stable and prosperous economy (16% inflation in 1979?) Furthermore the Blair/Brown governments embarked on a spend, spend, spend policy with disregard for the consequences ie expensive wars, vanity projects (the Millennium Dome anyone?) and sheer incompetence.

Any government who had to clear up Labour’s mess would have had to make drastic cuts. Mr Morgan, please do not make cheap jibes against the current Government .

Paul Johnston Hove