FOLLOWING the good news of The Boys’ Brigade and its increase in numbers and companies written by Eric Hudson, director of England Boys’ Brigade (Argus letters), I am glad to report that we have 13 companies in our battalion, far less than the 32 we once had, but on the increase once again nevertheless.

Our company session runs from September 1 until August 31 every year, in line with the school year. Companies will therefore be starting again during this month, and information of where they meet are on the battalion website, or you can contact myself.

Most companies run all three sections, anchors for boys 5-8 years; juniors 8-11 years, and company section 11-18 years.

One company already has a waiting list for anchor boys so it is worth trying to get in now, nice and early.

It’s fun, modern, with loads of exciting activities, with sports of all kinds.

It’s challenging and exciting and, as so many of our young men of 18 years of age will tell you, the best thing they ever did was to join their local Boys’ Brigade company.

Derek Hinton

Battalion president

Brighton, Hove & District Battalion