Norman Baker MP is proposing to tackle crime by legalising cannabis (October 10).

I personally hope he is singularly unsuccessful in this.

When the last government foolishly reduced the classification of cannabis from Class B to Class C, consumption increased significantly.

A message had been given that the drug was safe. The decision to change the classification was reversed within five years.

A paper presented to the World Health Organisation earlier this month, based on a 20-year study, highlighted the highly addictive nature of cannabis.

It warned that cannabis doubles the risk of developing psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia.

Cannabis users do worse at school and, according to this study, heavy use in adolescence appears to impair intellectual development.

Driving after smoking cannabis doubles the risk of road traffic accidents, and this risk increases substantially if the driver has also had a drink.

Legalising cannabis will not tackle drug abuse, only increase it.

I would hope that Mr Baker would promote the coalition government’s strategy to champion abstinence.

He was, the last time I looked, a member of that government.

Andy Winter Brighton