So the misery is to go on for another three months, yet the whole Edward Street so called 'improvement road scheme' has frankly been a joke almost from the beginning.

This was most obvious during the long weeks of summer – remember those weeks and weeks of dry weather – perfect one would say for working on the roads. Yet many of us who live in Kemp Town and who needed to use Edward Street on a regular basis to cross the city would play the game ‘hunt the builder’ because on so many of those lovely dry days only a few if any workmen would be in evidence doing anything at all across the whole development area.

But for me even with all the inconvenience to so many residents in this part of the city and the obvious disruption and sad loss of trade to local business, the most disgraceful aspect of all this is the fact that Edward Street leading to Eastern Road is the main route to the Royal Sussex County Hospital.

Any potentially disruptive roadworks in this area should always have been given top priority to be completed as quickly as possible. Those involved at officer and councillor level who are responsible for this sorry and now ongoing debacle should hang their heads in shame.

Vicki Davies, Chesham Street, Brighton