During a very rare train journey to Seaford my friend and I were approached by a personable young man asking for money to help pay for a bed for the night.

We gave him a couple of quid and then watched as he worked his way through the other passengers.

Once on the train, within minutes of sitting down, we were joined by another young man carrying a hockey stick and asking for tobacco or cigarettes.

He talked constantly for the rest of his journey.

After the conclusion of our business in Seaford we returned to the station but missed the train by two minutes so had to wait for 28 minutes for the next one.

It was 9pm and the station, pictured, was completely deserted, all facilities locked up. It was very dimly lit, freezing wind blowing up the platform. We sat and shivered – two women completely alone feeling really vulnerable.

If Seaford Railway Station is a typical example of our local railway stations it is time an effort was made to bring them up to scratch.

We need our station masters back, the wonderful folk who took pride in their job. I remember the dark green colour of British rail but at least, it always looked green.

Seaford Railway Station is a light greeny blue heavily tinged with rust throughout.

I’m thinking of checking out all Sussex railway stations and scoring them out of 10. I can kick off with Seaford and its score is -1.

We have a wealth of experienced retired members of the community who have spent a lifetime in construction. We have a wealth of unemployed youth desperate to learn skills and get out in the world and earn a living.

Surely these two groups can be brought together.

The benefit of the experience and skills of our good old builders and the enthusiasm of our strong and willing young people is a win-win situation. So much could be achieved. They could start with Seaford Railway Station.

Patricia Mountain, UKIP city council candidate for Hangleton and Knoll