WHILE I am aware we need water, the depressing news of being bombarded with rain for the whole of May fills me with dread.

Consider the fact that so much rain causes misery and damage when there is flooding; the fact that some of us have aches and pains not helped by being persistently being rained on; the fact some of us would like to shift infections such as cold viruses and the fact that, if you are housebound, looking out of your window only to see cloud and rain every single day isn’t nice.

And of course property gets cold and damp, which means needing to put the heating on, which in turn costs money some might not have.

Environmentalists should think on before complaining about impending droughts. What you ask for you receive, and unfortunately so do others.

I wish for some much-needed warmth. If the water board stopped wasting so much water when pipes burst, we would have the extra water.

This country wastes too much of everything.

Come back sunshine.

June Szypulski, Lavender Street, Brighton