IN the late 1970s my aunty Dorothy was president of the Chamber of Commerce in Stoke-on-Trent.

I once went with her to a charity event where the main performer was someone called Blaster Bates, a demolition expert whose stories were so funny that he could fill theatres, particularly in the north-west, with his one-man show.

I thought I was going to a Chamber of Commerce meeting only to find this crazy guy setting off explosions all over the theatre.

I hate explosions. I even cower when balloons are being inflated!

Fortunately my experience of that Chamber event did not put me off and, through Brighton Housing Trust, I am a proud member of the Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce.

The Brighton Chamber is thriving and dynamic, and brings together around 500 businesses through a wide range of support, networking events, and opportunities to influence others.

Uniquely, the Chamber has led the Living Wage campaign in Brighton and Hove.

As far as the City Council is concerned, the Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce offers a unique means of engaging with around 500 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and a few larger ones as well.

Most new jobs in the city are being created by SMEs.

The success of the city depends on a vibrant and engaged business community.

This year’s Brighton Summit, to be held on October 16, will focus on growing businesses.

For more information go to For more information about the Chamber contact Abby Moreton on 01273 719097.

  • Andy Winter is chief executive of Brighton Housing Trust