
  • Discord over estate musical

    People on a deprived Brighton estate who have battled for years to shake off its rough reputation are angry at a new musical play. They say reinforces negative stereotypes. Hello, Bright City is a show based on life in Brighton featuring the evil antics

  • MP defends police delays

    An MP has defended Brighton police who were criticised for not responding quickly enough to a series of vandal attacks. Ivor Caplin said city police bosses had to give priority to serious or life-threatening incidents over non-urgent cases. The MP spoke

  • Real money

    I suggest Brighton and Hove City Council invests as tour operators if it can finance a trip for two councillors to Yokohama, Japan, for only £1,333 (The Argus, February 7). This surely must beat any offer by the high-street travel agents - unless the

  • Firework appeal

    On behalf of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (GBDA), I appeal to readers to support our campaign which calls for an end to the disruption and distress caused to dogs and their owners by fireworks. On Friday, February 28, a Private Members Bill

  • Gatwick back to normal

    Gatwick Airport remains on terror alert but it was business as usual today following the drama which saw hundreds of people evacuated from the busy North Terminal. Anti-terrorism officers were continuing to question a 37-year old man man who was caught

  • Red car traced in murder inquiry

    Detectives have traced a car they were looking for in connection with the murder of a self-made businessman. The red Fiat Tempra was seen at the time Michael Willard was stabbed in the back in the yard of his scaffolding firm. Mr Willard, 63, of Harley

  • Jail threat for teen assault

    A woman who imprisoned and indecently assaulted a teenager may face a tougher sentence after her case goes to appeal. Prosecutors believe Rosamund O'Leary should go to prison for her crimes and will take their case to the Appeal Court in London on Monday

  • Tax bills to rocket

    West Sussex householders will have to pay a huge tax increase, councillors have confirmed. When council tax bills arrive in April they will be going up by 18.5 per cent. The average Band D tax will go up by £134.37 to £859.32 as a result. The controversial

  • Africa course

    Tomorrow, there will be an opportunity to hear at first hand what life is like in Zimbabwe and of the assistance being given by the churches there to help the population, when the Reverend David Winwood will be speaking in the Central Methodist Church

  • Ringer of steel

    As a teenager in the Fifties, the highlight of the week was a visit to Brighton's Hippodrome. Many speciality acts supported the big stars and my favourite was a lady called Joan Rhodes, who was billed as The Strong Lady. Joan's great gimmick was her

  • Terrace talk, with Roz South

    As we left the ground on Saturday, with our feet somewhere between Withdean and Cloud Nine, we met a Wolves fan who was, justifiably, less than impressed. Determined to have the last word on the subject despite the walkover his team had been subjected

  • Coppell blasts reserve league

    Albion boss Steve Coppell has attacked the state of reserve team football. He believes perpetual postponements make a mockery of the Avon Insurance Combination League. Wednesday's visit to Bristol City was only the 14th Combination fixture Albion have

  • Left out

    Thank goodness for Adur residents having a Conservative ruling group or their council tax bills would have gone through the roof. For the first time since 1980, Adur District Council has a balanced budget without having to turn to reserves. This is exactly

  • Best value

    It was interesting to read (The Argus, February 5) that the Labour government is giving Sussex Police an extra £9.6 million in grants and plans to allow Brighton and Hove City Council to seize empty homes to tackle the housing shortage. On other pages

  • Basketball: Sonics set for Stormer

    Sussex Sonics took on one of the top teams in the midlands and gave them a cup hammering. Sonics beat MGK Panthers 55-22 in the first round of the League Cup to set up another home tie, this time with Orpington Storm. They were 12-2 up in five minutes

  • Animal magic

    Animator Millie Young has launched a contest asking people to use images of Dumbo and Barbar to save endangered elephants. Millie, from Brighton, is drawing attention to the drastic decline in Asian elephants which could even lead to their extinction.

  • Takers' dozen

    I don't know what research our law lords carried out, if any, before giving our apprentice burglars one burglary free of prison. Maybe they strolled around a supermarket and saw "Buy one, get one free", which sparked the idea. There have been other burglary-control

  • Basketball: All aboard for Thunder weekender

    Gary Smith led his Worthing Thunder side on their marathon weekend away last night joking: "I feel more like a school teacher than a basketball coach." Smith and assistant Phil Waghorn made sure they were near the front as the Thunder party left Worthing

  • Let's build and be bold

    For more than 50 years almost every big building in Brighton and Hove has been an architectural disappointment or, worse, a disaster. Look at the Prince Regent pool, the Brighton Centre, King's West or the flats on Hove seafront and none of them is inspiring

  • Make manufactured goods not war

    The informative article on how difficult it is to find a plumber (The Argus, February 4) reminded me of a conversation I had recently with a member of this endangered species. He said: "Mrs Thatcher did me a favour by getting rid of apprenticeships. If

  • Indoor Football: Jedi a force to be reckoned with

    Jedi Knights edged out Dirty Sanchez as the new Westows Sussex indoor five-a-side league got under way this week. The Sussex County FA affiliated league aims to attract 300 teams, although they have an initial entry of 50 sides playing over four nights

  • Chemical spill wiped out fish

    A farm has been fined £10,000 for causing an environmental catastrophe which wiped out fish and insect life along 20 kms of a Sussex river. The strawberry farm near Uckfield was in the process of going organic and in its last season using pesticide when

  • Paramedic takes the 999 bus

    A paramedic in Lewes was forced to hop on a bus to attend a 999 call. Joe Marshall, 31, was forced to commandeer the bus to help save the life of an elderly heart attack victim because urgent repairs were being done to his car when the call came in. Joe

  • Family ran drugs factory, jury told

    Detectives found vats of bubbling chemicals in a barn when they swooped on a suspected £20 million drugs factory, a court heard. Officers discovered containers of powder, bottles, pans, funnels and other paraphenalia scattered around the isolated farm

  • Woman faces jail for teen assault

    A woman who imprisoned and indecently assaulted a teenager may face a tougher sentence after her case goes to appeal. Prosecutors believe Rosamund O'Leary should go to prison for her crimes and will take their case to the Appeal Court in London on Monday

  • Woman rescued from blaze

    An elderly woman was rescued from her flat by firemen after a neighbour spotted her unconscious on the floor. The woman had collapsed after smoke filled her kitchen in a third floor flat, at Barclay Court, The Esplanade in Bognor. A neighbour raised the

  • Gatwick back to normal

    Gatwick Airport remains on terror alert but it was business as usual today following the drama which saw hundreds of people evacuated from the busy North Terminal. Anti-terrorism officers were continuing to question a 37-year old man man who was caught

  • Shock at defence job cuts

    Almost 100 jobs are to be axed at a company despite its involvement in a new multi-billion pound aircraft carrier contract. Thales Sensors in Manor Royal, Crawley, has confirmed 96 staff must go as part of a restructuring programme. The shock announcement

  • Bradford 0 Albion 1

    Albion moved off the foot of the First Division by completing their only double of the campaign. Bobby Zamora's 10th of the season and third against Bradford after 27 minutes earned Steve Coppell's Seagulls three more precious points in their battle to

  • Bradford 0 Albion 1: Blow by blow

    The conditions at Valley Parade promised to make life tricky for defenders and forwards alike. Albion keeper Ben Roberts was forced to wear tracksuit bottoms with the penalty box defended by Brighton in the first half still affected by frost. Brooker

  • Bradford v Albion: The Teams

    New signing Ivar Ingimarsson comes in for his Albion debut against in-form Bradford at sunny Valley Parade. Ingimarsson replaces the injured Robbie Pethick in the only change to the team which beat Wolves 4-1 at Withdean last Saturday. The Icelandic International

  • Saving the elephants

    A Brighton animator is drawing on people's love affair with Dumbo, the cartoon elephant, for a new project. Millie Young spent months in Thailand researching the real-life animals for a new animated film, which she hopes will be broadcast worldwide. She

  • Holiday house of family fun

    A gaggle of excited children career down the stairs, jump into muddy boots and pile out of the door into the garden, laughing and teasing each other. The reason for their high spirits is simple - a holiday of a lifetime. Not Disney or a sun-drenched Spanish

  • T-shirts that call for peace

    A Brighton design duo have come up with the peace emblem of the future. It will be emblazoned on chests at the march against war on Iraq today. The design by Short Long Graphics, featuring two hands clasped to form a heart, will be used on T-shirts at

  • MP defends police delays

    An MP has defended Brighton police who were criticised for not responding quickly enough to a series of vandal attacks. Ivor Caplin said city police bosses had to give priority to serious or life-threatening incidents over non-urgent cases. The MP spoke

  • High price

    More traffic congestion and pollution, the inevitable further decline of the London Road shops and the Open Market, no public transport links and hardly any open space. The people of Brighton and Hove will be paying a high price for the development on

  • Home Truths, by Jacqui Bealing

    My husband ran into the kitchen with a red envelope. "I've just found this on the doormat," he said excitedly. "Who's it for?" I asked. "Err ... it just has a question mark on it," he replied. This was good enough for our four-year-old daughter. She snatched

  • Zamora goal lifts Seagulls

    Albion moved off the foot of the First Division by completing their only double of the campaign. Bobby Zamora's 10th of the season and third against Bradford after 27 minutes earned Steve Coppell's Seagulls three more precious points in their battle to

  • Africa course

    Tomorrow, there will be an opportunity to hear at first hand what life is like in Zimbabwe and of the assistance being given by the churches there to help the population, when the Reverend David Winwood will be speaking in the Central Methodist Church

  • One million join anti-war demo

    Thousands of protesters from Sussex joined what organisers described as the largest ever peace demonstration in the UK. Organisers said more than one million people had joined the anti-war rally in London on Saturday to voice opposition to a conflict

  • Gerry Armstrong: Wolves win has proved me wrong

    What a great result for the Albion against Wolves last week. Like a lot of fans, I felt their chances of staying up had virtually disappeared after their failure to beat Wimbledon at home in what a lot of people regarded as a 'must win' fixture. How wrong

  • Ringer of steel

    As a teenager in the Fifties, the highlight of the week was a visit to Brighton's Hippodrome. Many speciality acts supported the big stars and my favourite was a lady called Joan Rhodes, who was billed as The Strong Lady. Joan's great gimmick was her

  • Left out

    Thank goodness for Adur residents having a Conservative ruling group or their council tax bills would have gone through the roof. For the first time since 1980, Adur District Council has a balanced budget without having to turn to reserves. This is exactly

  • Best value

    It was interesting to read (The Argus, February 5) that the Labour government is giving Sussex Police an extra £9.6 million in grants and plans to allow Brighton and Hove City Council to seize empty homes to tackle the housing shortage. On other pages

  • Animal magic

    Animator Millie Young has launched a contest asking people to use images of Dumbo and Barbar to save endangered elephants. Millie, from Brighton, is drawing attention to the drastic decline in Asian elephants which could even lead to their extinction.

  • Takers' dozen

    I don't know what research our law lords carried out, if any, before giving our apprentice burglars one burglary free of prison. Maybe they strolled around a supermarket and saw "Buy one, get one free", which sparked the idea. There have been other burglary-control

  • Cruel jewel

    I recently bumped into someone who had worked for a well-known high-street jeweller for 37 years. I had met him previously while purchasing some jewellery from the store in Brighton and then was surprised to meet him again in another independent jewellery

  • Let's build and be bold

    For more than 50 years almost every big building in Brighton and Hove has been an architectural disappointment or, worse, a disaster. Look at the Prince Regent pool, the Brighton Centre, King's West or the flats on Hove seafront and none of them is inspiring

  • Baseball: UK best head to Brighton

    Pavilion Field, home of national champions Brighton Buccaneers, will be used by the Great Britain team as they prepare for the European Championships and Olympic qualifier this summer. Bucs' head coach Craig Savage said: "The agreement is of huge benefit

  • Kirtley backs England to shine

    James Kirtley believes that England can still make a big impact in the World Cup despite their false start to the tournament in South Africa. England have been forfeited two points for refusing to play Zimbabwe in harare on Thursday after the ICC again

  • Chemical spill wiped out fish

    A farm has been fined £10,000 for causing an environmental catastrophe which wiped out fish and insect life along 20 kms of a Sussex river. The strawberry farm near Uckfield was in the process of going organic and in its last season using pesticide when

  • Cocaine trial collapses

    The trial of two people accused of supplying crack cocaine has collapsed during the fourth day of their trial. Builder Adam Brooks, 21, of Zion Gardens, Brighton and Amy Scott, 20, a trainee nurse, of Princes Crescent, Brighton, both denied the allegations

  • Family ran drugs factory, jury told

    Detectives found vats of bubbling chemicals in a barn when they swooped on a suspected £20 million drugs factory, a court heard. Officers discovered containers of powder, bottles, pans, funnels and other paraphenalia scattered around the isolated farm

  • Shock at defence job cuts

    Almost 100 jobs are to be axed at a company despite its involvement in a new multi-billion pound aircraft carrier contract. Thales Sensors in Manor Royal, Crawley, has confirmed 96 staff must go as part of a restructuring programme. The shock announcement

  • £20m city landmark unveiled

    The first pictures of a 21st Century skyscraper which could tower over Brighton and Hove have been released. Josh Arghiros, of Karis Developments, believes the 16-storey building containing 125 flats would become a landmark for the city. But hundreds

  • Bradford 0 Albion 1: Blow by blow

    The conditions at Valley Parade promised to make life tricky for defenders and forwards alike. Albion keeper Ben Roberts was forced to wear tracksuit bottoms with the penalty box defended by Brighton in the first half still affected by frost. Brooker

  • Bradford v Albion: The Teams

    New signing Ivar Ingimarsson comes in for his Albion debut against in-form Bradford at sunny Valley Parade. Ingimarsson replaces the injured Robbie Pethick in the only change to the team which beat Wolves 4-1 at Withdean last Saturday. The Icelandic International

  • Players get ball rolling for contest

    Petanque players are hoping they will be able to attract the world championships to Sussex. New president Mike Land told the annual meeting of the Brighton and Hove Petanque Club: "Brighton has one of the largest petanque terrains in the region in an

  • Holiday house of family fun

    A gaggle of excited children career down the stairs, jump into muddy boots and pile out of the door into the garden, laughing and teasing each other. The reason for their high spirits is simple - a holiday of a lifetime. Not Disney or a sun-drenched Spanish

  • T-shirts that call for peace

    A Brighton design duo have come up with the peace emblem of the future. It will be emblazoned on chests at the march against war on Iraq today. The design by Short Long Graphics, featuring two hands clasped to form a heart, will be used on T-shirts at

  • Unit helps patients bypass hospital

    A new trial unit has begun operating in Brighton to help patients avoid lengthy delays in Accident and Emergency and ease bed shortages. When Raymond Jordan woke in the middle of the night and tried to get out bed his left leg would not support him. He

  • Mugging victim gets a new mobile

    A good Samaritan has stepped in to replace a Hove mugging victim's mobile phone, after reading about his ordeal in The Argus. Sarah Errey was horrified to read how Matthew Braggs,13, was threatened with a knife, punched and pushed to the ground by a teenage

  • Discord over estate musical

    People on a deprived Brighton estate who have battled for years to shake off its rough reputation are angry at a new musical play. They say reinforces negative stereotypes. Hello, Bright City is a show based on life in Brighton featuring the evil antics

  • Wrong track

    I am amazed at the audacity of Thameslink in flyposting Brighton encouraging more people on to its already cramped trains. The company should concentrate its efforts on lengthening trains and providing enough legroom so you do not have to sit almost on

  • Real money

    I suggest Brighton and Hove City Council invests as tour operators if it can finance a trip for two councillors to Yokohama, Japan, for only £1,333 (The Argus, February 7). This surely must beat any offer by the high-street travel agents - unless the

  • Firework appeal

    On behalf of the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (GBDA), I appeal to readers to support our campaign which calls for an end to the disruption and distress caused to dogs and their owners by fireworks. On Friday, February 28, a Private Members Bill

  • Inside View: Nathan Jones

    Can we play you every week?' should have been the cry after another excellent performance saw us take the points off a Wolves team gunning for promotion. Finally we got what we deserved from a game and this after drawing with them at Molineaux, which

  • Terrace talk, with Roz South

    As we left the ground on Saturday, with our feet somewhere between Withdean and Cloud Nine, we met a Wolves fan who was, justifiably, less than impressed. Determined to have the last word on the subject despite the walkover his team had been subjected

  • Coppell blasts reserve league

    Albion boss Steve Coppell has attacked the state of reserve team football. He believes perpetual postponements make a mockery of the Avon Insurance Combination League. Wednesday's visit to Bristol City was only the 14th Combination fixture Albion have

  • Ivar can help survival bid

    Albion newcomer Ivar Ingimarsson has joined the explosion of Ice men making their mark on the English game. Ivar the Icelandic's move to this country was launched after forging his reputation at one of the most remarkable venues in world football with

  • Basketball: Sonics set for Stormer

    Sussex Sonics took on one of the top teams in the midlands and gave them a cup hammering. Sonics beat MGK Panthers 55-22 in the first round of the League Cup to set up another home tie, this time with Orpington Storm. They were 12-2 up in five minutes

  • Jungle lore

    Almost everything we buy has, by law, to have a label setting out the contents so we can be informed of what we are buying. I recently bought a piece of shelving with a prominent label stating: "At least 30 per cent of the virgin fibre contained in this

  • Basketball: Young Bears beat Hackney

    Brighton Bears Cadets scored a memorable win when they beat highly-rated Hackney by 18 points. Coach Billy Hungrecker joked: "Last Sunday was the first time they had listened to me and they won, giving Hackney their first defeat in the process." Joel

  • Basketball: Sparks fly after Waghorn ejection

    Coach Phil Waghorn hit out at the officials after his Worthing Magic side lost a stormy WBL clash with Brixton. Magic, missing star player Kirsty Dallas, went down 63-44, though they bounced back a day later to win 55-48 at Swindon. Waghorn was ejected

  • A great cause

    Knowles Tooth is down a quiet lane in the middle of the Sussex countryside. It's a big house surrounded by fields. The overwhelming feeling is one of relaxation. The Chichester Diocesan Association for Family Support Work, which runs the centre, knows

  • Swim boy saves his best mate

    Five-year-old Jake Rodway helped save his best friend's life when he ran out of steam in the middle of a swimming pool. The youngsters were splashing around when Daniel Hamilton, five, became too tired to reach the side. He was so exhausted his arms and

  • Basketball: All aboard for Thunder weekender

    Gary Smith led his Worthing Thunder side on their marathon weekend away last night joking: "I feel more like a school teacher than a basketball coach." Smith and assistant Phil Waghorn made sure they were near the front as the Thunder party left Worthing

  • Sure thing

    An important tribunal decision concerning employment law found that so-called self-employed workers in the building industry are, in fact, employees and entitled to the same employment rights as those workers employed under the PAYE system. This decision

  • Basketball: Medford must get in top shape

    New boy Jason Medford has been told to shape up and play a key role for Brighton Bears in their title push. Medford will be on the bench for his home debut tonight against dark horses Scottish Rocks at the Triangle (7pm). Bears go to Chester tomorrow

  • Make manufactured goods not war

    The informative article on how difficult it is to find a plumber (The Argus, February 4) reminded me of a conversation I had recently with a member of this endangered species. He said: "Mrs Thatcher did me a favour by getting rid of apprenticeships. If

  • Indoor Football: Jedi a force to be reckoned with

    Jedi Knights edged out Dirty Sanchez as the new Westows Sussex indoor five-a-side league got under way this week. The Sussex County FA affiliated league aims to attract 300 teams, although they have an initial entry of 50 sides playing over four nights

  • Paramedic takes the 999 bus

    A paramedic in Lewes was forced to hop on a bus to attend a 999 call. Joe Marshall, 31, was forced to commandeer the bus to help save the life of an elderly heart attack victim because urgent repairs were being done to his car when the call came in. Joe

  • Talks to end strike continue

    Negotiations are continuing in a bid to end a strike by ambulance workers in Sussex. Sussex Ambulance Service NHS Trust staff began industrial action this week in support of better pay and conditions. The strike means a ban on voluntary overtime and crews

  • Sixties theme hotel greets first guests

    A boutique hotel is relying heavily on the swinging Sixties to transform Brighton Marina into a 21st-century resort to rival the world's finest. The Alias Hotel Seattle opens this weekend with staff promising to bring visitors and businesses flocking

  • Red car traced in murder inquiry

    Detectives have traced a car they were looking for in connection with the murder of a self-made businessman. The red Fiat Tempra was seen at the time Michael Willard was stabbed in the back in the yard of his scaffolding firm. Mr Willard, 63, of Harley

  • Woman faces jail for teen assault

    A woman who imprisoned and indecently assaulted a teenager may face a tougher sentence after her case goes to appeal. Prosecutors believe Rosamund O'Leary should go to prison for her crimes and will take their case to the Appeal Court in London on Monday

  • Gatwick back to normal

    Gatwick Airport remains on terror alert but it was business as usual today following the drama which saw hundreds of people evacuated from the busy North Terminal. Anti-terrorism officers were continuing to question a 37-year old man man who was caught

  • Bradford 0 Albion 1

    Albion moved off the foot of the First Division by completing their only double of the campaign. Bobby Zamora's 10th of the season and third against Bradford after 27 minutes earned Steve Coppell's Seagulls three more precious points in their battle to

  • Saving the elephants

    A Brighton animator is drawing on people's love affair with Dumbo, the cartoon elephant, for a new project. Millie Young spent months in Thailand researching the real-life animals for a new animated film, which she hopes will be broadcast worldwide. She

  • Unit helps patients bypass hospital

    A new trial unit has begun operating in Brighton to help patients avoid lengthy delays in Accident and Emergency and ease bed shortages. When Raymond Jordan woke in the middle of the night and tried to get out bed his left leg would not support him. He

  • Mugging victim gets a new mobile

    A good Samaritan has stepped in to replace a Hove mugging victim's mobile phone, after reading about his ordeal in The Argus. Sarah Errey was horrified to read how Matthew Braggs,13, was threatened with a knife, punched and pushed to the ground by a teenage

  • High price

    More traffic congestion and pollution, the inevitable further decline of the London Road shops and the Open Market, no public transport links and hardly any open space. The people of Brighton and Hove will be paying a high price for the development on

  • Wrong track

    I am amazed at the audacity of Thameslink in flyposting Brighton encouraging more people on to its already cramped trains. The company should concentrate its efforts on lengthening trains and providing enough legroom so you do not have to sit almost on

  • Home Truths, by Jacqui Bealing

    My husband ran into the kitchen with a red envelope. "I've just found this on the doormat," he said excitedly. "Who's it for?" I asked. "Err ... it just has a question mark on it," he replied. This was good enough for our four-year-old daughter. She snatched

  • Zamora goal lifts Seagulls

    Albion moved off the foot of the First Division by completing their only double of the campaign. Bobby Zamora's 10th of the season and third against Bradford after 27 minutes earned Steve Coppell's Seagulls three more precious points in their battle to

  • Shock at defence job cuts

    Almost 100 jobs are to be axed at a company despite its involvement in a new multi-billion pound aircraft carrier contract. Thales Sensors in Manor Royal, Crawley, has confirmed 96 staff must go as part of a restructuring programme. The shock announcement

  • One million join anti-war demo

    Thousands of protesters from Sussex joined what organisers described as the largest ever peace demonstration in the UK. Organisers said more than one million people had joined the anti-war rally in London on Saturday to voice opposition to a conflict

  • Inside View: Nathan Jones

    Can we play you every week?' should have been the cry after another excellent performance saw us take the points off a Wolves team gunning for promotion. Finally we got what we deserved from a game and this after drawing with them at Molineaux, which

  • Gerry Armstrong: Wolves win has proved me wrong

    What a great result for the Albion against Wolves last week. Like a lot of fans, I felt their chances of staying up had virtually disappeared after their failure to beat Wimbledon at home in what a lot of people regarded as a 'must win' fixture. How wrong

  • Ivar can help survival bid

    Albion newcomer Ivar Ingimarsson has joined the explosion of Ice men making their mark on the English game. Ivar the Icelandic's move to this country was launched after forging his reputation at one of the most remarkable venues in world football with

  • Jungle lore

    Almost everything we buy has, by law, to have a label setting out the contents so we can be informed of what we are buying. I recently bought a piece of shelving with a prominent label stating: "At least 30 per cent of the virgin fibre contained in this

  • Basketball: Young Bears beat Hackney

    Brighton Bears Cadets scored a memorable win when they beat highly-rated Hackney by 18 points. Coach Billy Hungrecker joked: "Last Sunday was the first time they had listened to me and they won, giving Hackney their first defeat in the process." Joel

  • Basketball: Sparks fly after Waghorn ejection

    Coach Phil Waghorn hit out at the officials after his Worthing Magic side lost a stormy WBL clash with Brixton. Magic, missing star player Kirsty Dallas, went down 63-44, though they bounced back a day later to win 55-48 at Swindon. Waghorn was ejected

  • A great cause

    Knowles Tooth is down a quiet lane in the middle of the Sussex countryside. It's a big house surrounded by fields. The overwhelming feeling is one of relaxation. The Chichester Diocesan Association for Family Support Work, which runs the centre, knows

  • Swim boy saves his best mate

    Five-year-old Jake Rodway helped save his best friend's life when he ran out of steam in the middle of a swimming pool. The youngsters were splashing around when Daniel Hamilton, five, became too tired to reach the side. He was so exhausted his arms and

  • Cruel jewel

    I recently bumped into someone who had worked for a well-known high-street jeweller for 37 years. I had met him previously while purchasing some jewellery from the store in Brighton and then was surprised to meet him again in another independent jewellery

  • Sure thing

    An important tribunal decision concerning employment law found that so-called self-employed workers in the building industry are, in fact, employees and entitled to the same employment rights as those workers employed under the PAYE system. This decision

  • Basketball: Medford must get in top shape

    New boy Jason Medford has been told to shape up and play a key role for Brighton Bears in their title push. Medford will be on the bench for his home debut tonight against dark horses Scottish Rocks at the Triangle (7pm). Bears go to Chester tomorrow

  • Baseball: UK best head to Brighton

    Pavilion Field, home of national champions Brighton Buccaneers, will be used by the Great Britain team as they prepare for the European Championships and Olympic qualifier this summer. Bucs' head coach Craig Savage said: "The agreement is of huge benefit

  • Kirtley backs England to shine

    James Kirtley believes that England can still make a big impact in the World Cup despite their false start to the tournament in South Africa. England have been forfeited two points for refusing to play Zimbabwe in harare on Thursday after the ICC again

  • Talks to end strike continue

    Negotiations are continuing in a bid to end a strike by ambulance workers in Sussex. Sussex Ambulance Service NHS Trust staff began industrial action this week in support of better pay and conditions. The strike means a ban on voluntary overtime and crews

  • Sixties theme hotel greets first guests

    A boutique hotel is relying heavily on the swinging Sixties to transform Brighton Marina into a 21st-century resort to rival the world's finest. The Alias Hotel Seattle opens this weekend with staff promising to bring visitors and businesses flocking

  • Red car traced in murder inquiry

    Detectives have traced a car they were looking for in connection with the murder of a self-made businessman. The red Fiat Tempra was seen at the time Michael Willard was stabbed in the back in the yard of his scaffolding firm. Mr Willard, 63, of Harley

  • Cocaine trial collapses

    The trial of two people accused of supplying crack cocaine has collapsed during the fourth day of their trial. Builder Adam Brooks, 21, of Zion Gardens, Brighton and Amy Scott, 20, a trainee nurse, of Princes Crescent, Brighton, both denied the allegations

  • £20m city landmark unveiled

    The first pictures of a 21st Century skyscraper which could tower over Brighton and Hove have been released. Josh Arghiros, of Karis Developments, believes the 16-storey building containing 125 flats would become a landmark for the city. But hundreds

  • Players get ball rolling for contest

    Petanque players are hoping they will be able to attract the world championships to Sussex. New president Mike Land told the annual meeting of the Brighton and Hove Petanque Club: "Brighton has one of the largest petanque terrains in the region in an