
  • Letter: Get in lane

    I recently contacted West Sussex County Council's Highway department regarding cycle lanes, in particular one which regularly has cars parked in it and more recently a builder's skip. They informed me that if this or any other such area has been marked

  • Letter: Set him free

    The Brighton and Hove group of Amnesty International is working towards the release of an Ethiopian prisoner, Mekonnen Dori, who was arrested and imprisoned nine years ago in Ethiopia. We don't know much about his treatment in prison but we do know he

  • Protest halts work at train cleaning site

    A legal executive staged an angry protest against a train cleaning depot. Marguerite Whitehurst stood in front of a lorry delivering asphalt to the site at Hove station and refused to move. Her husband Norman parked his car across the entrance to the

  • Letter: Averse to change

    In a previous attempt to change the planning at Brighton Marina, John Betjeman, the poet laureate at the time, wrote: "I would like to express my sympathy with the campaign of the Brighton Society against the Marina Company's plans for turning the shore

  • Judges see videos on how blood can spray a distance

    Video experiments showing how blood travels after being exhaled from the nose and mouth were shown at the Sion Jenkins appeal. The tests claimed to throw doubt on prosecution assertions exhaled blood falls only within a few centimetres from the victim

  • July 9: New striker is top priority

    Albion have stepped up their efforts to sign a striker. Manager Mark McGhee has brought in three frontrunners on trial as he "explores every opportunity to strengthen the department". McGhee has made it his top priority now that Chris Iwelumo's contract

  • £15m king of bootleg

    A CD pirate who made £15 mill-ion ripping off the biggest names in showbusiness has been jailed. Mark Purseglove, 33, enjoyed a lavish lifestyle as he built up a global counterfeit CD empire during a scam which lasted 11 years. Oasis, the Beatles, Eminem

  • Letter: He never showed any mercy

    Saddam Hussein looked a broken man when he appeared in court to at long last face up to the consequences of crimes he has committed over the past 30 years (The Argus, July 2). He was demure and scared at the prospect of having to answer for his evil actions

  • Letter: It's no solution

    I haven't read Councillor Paul Elgood's article but what Mike Weatherley is promoting would only increase congestion (Letters, July 5). Mr Weatherley suggests several ways of reducing congestion: 1) Motorists using bus lanes in the evening. Would this

  • Letter: A compromise could end this war of words

    Many thanks for airing the subject of park and ride recently. In survey after survey by the Economic Partnership, the city's employers have listed the vexed subject of transport as their biggest issue and the vast majority of people are in favour of park

  • Golf: I'll never miss the Open

    Sussex golfers set out on a mission impossible this weekend. They are attempting to qualify for the Open Championship at Troon next week, the equivalent of squeezing through the eye of a golfing needle. All have successfully negotiated the regional qualifying

  • Rugby: Davies takes over as coach at Heath

    Ian Davies has been lined up as the new head coach of Haywards Heath. Davies has resigned from his full-time post as director of rugby at Worthing. He is expected to take charge at Whitemans Green within the next month. His arrival is the most eye-catching

  • Passenger boom continues at airport

    Airports operator BAA today said Stansted continued its prolific growth with a 10.7% rise in passengers last month against a year earlier. The Essex airport, which handled 20 million passengers in a year for the first time in May, saw 1.84 million people

  • Bullet train beach trips

    A £10 million bullet train could run along Brighton's seafront. The futuristic monorail would link some of the main leisure attractions and would be the first public transport system of its kind in the UK. Plans were today unveiled for the system which

  • Sums are second to people these days

    "I am an accountant and therefore too boring to be of interest," declared John Cleese in one of Monty Python's crueller observational sketches. The image of a grey-suited man in horn-rimmed glasses punching equations into a calculator under a teetering

  • Businesses have lost festive spirit

    Businesses are being urged to dig deep to avoid another Christmas lights fiasco. The Brighton City Centre Business Forum wants to raise £60,000 to create a spectacular display and wipe out memories of last year's debacle. But despite pleas for support

  • Protest halts work at train cleaning site

    A legal executive staged an angry protest against a train cleaning depot. Marguerite Whitehurst stood in front of a lorry delivering asphalt to the site at Hove station and refused to move. Her husband Norman parked his car across the entrance to the

  • Anti-homes MP denies any conflict

    An MP opposing plans to build homes in his constituency is chairman of a trust which invests in one of the developers. Nicholas Soames, MP for Mid Sussex, has criticised Government proposals for new homes, arguing they could signal the end of thousands

  • Letter: Averse to change

    In a previous attempt to change the planning at Brighton Marina, John Betjeman, the poet laureate at the time, wrote: "I would like to express my sympathy with the campaign of the Brighton Society against the Marina Company's plans for turning the shore

  • Photo of Pooh is sold for £3,500

    An unseen photograph of the real Christopher Robin clutching his Winnie the Pooh teddy bear has been sold at auction for £3,500. The image of the six-year-old is from an album of photos taken of author AA Milne's family at Cotchford Farm, Hartfield, near

  • Letter: What is affordable?

    Recently, there have been many potential housing developments mentioned and promises made for inclusion of "affordable" housing. I am sure reader of The Argus would be interested to learn just what constitutes affordable housing. Would it be possible

  • Judges see videos on how blood can spray a distance

    Video experiments showing how blood travels after being exhaled from the nose and mouth were shown at the Sion Jenkins appeal. The tests claimed to throw doubt on prosecution assertions exhaled blood falls only within a few centimetres from the victim

  • July 9: New striker is top priority

    Albion have stepped up their efforts to sign a striker. Manager Mark McGhee has brought in three frontrunners on trial as he "explores every opportunity to strengthen the department". McGhee has made it his top priority now that Chris Iwelumo's contract

  • City's vagrants invite friends down to stay

    Brighton has become such an attractive destination, even the homeless are inviting their friends down for holidays. Toby Forer, general manager of the Sealife Centre on Marine Parade, became so upset at hearing vagrants had been abusing his staff and

  • Letter: Buy Toad Hall

    Park and ride is now back on the agenda of Brighton and Hove City Council but instead of linking it with a properly-funded and researched rapid transport system to serve the city limits and universities, the council again goes for the limited option of

  • Letter: A compromise could end this war of words

    Many thanks for airing the subject of park and ride recently. In survey after survey by the Economic Partnership, the city's employers have listed the vexed subject of transport as their biggest issue and the vast majority of people are in favour of park

  • Golf: I'll never miss the Open

    Sussex golfers set out on a mission impossible this weekend. They are attempting to qualify for the Open Championship at Troon next week, the equivalent of squeezing through the eye of a golfing needle. All have successfully negotiated the regional qualifying

  • Rose vision key as M&S rejects latest offer

    The battle for Marks & Spencer was tonight focused on chief executive Stuart Rose after a third takeover approach from tycoon Philip Green was rejected. M&S continues to believe a strategy presentation from Mr Rose on Monday will show that Mr

  • Passenger boom continues at airport

    Airports operator BAA today said Stansted continued its prolific growth with a 10.7% rise in passengers last month against a year earlier. The Essex airport, which handled 20 million passengers in a year for the first time in May, saw 1.84 million people

  • Awards spotlight on Searchlight

    A recruitment agency has been nominated as one of the most progressive employers of disabled people in the country. Searchlight Workshops, based in Newhaven, is up for a Leading The Way award for companies who help disabled people realise their potential

  • Businesses have lost festive spirit

    Businesses are being urged to dig deep to avoid another Christmas lights fiasco. The Brighton City Centre Business Forum wants to raise £60,000 to create a spectacular display and wipe out memories of last year's debacle. But despite pleas for support

  • Letter: Silver ring thing

    Central to the dodgy, money-spinning scam that is The Silver Ring Thing (The Argus, July 5), is the ridiculous notion that sex can only validly take place between a man and a woman who have married - and herein lies the hostility that so many Christian

  • Anti-homes MP denies any conflict

    An MP opposing plans to build homes in his constituency is chairman of a trust which invests in one of the developers. Nicholas Soames, MP for Mid Sussex, has criticised Government proposals for new homes, arguing they could signal the end of thousands

  • Blair refuses to pay for Diego Garcians

    Tony Blair has rejected a council's £500,000 compensation claim for looking after a group of exiled islanders. West Sussex County Council wanted the Government to refund the cost of housing 75 Diego Garcians who have been unable to return to their island

  • Photo of Pooh is sold for £3,500

    An unseen photograph of the real Christopher Robin clutching his Winnie the Pooh teddy bear has been sold at auction for £3,500. The image of the six-year-old is from an album of photos taken of author AA Milne's family at Cotchford Farm, Hartfield, near

  • Letter: What is affordable?

    Recently, there have been many potential housing developments mentioned and promises made for inclusion of "affordable" housing. I am sure reader of The Argus would be interested to learn just what constitutes affordable housing. Would it be possible

  • Letter: Restricting motorists denies choice

    Having cycled with Association of British Drivers' Sussex rep Dave Razzell on the recent London to Brighton ride, I know Dave is a keen cyclist, leader of a walking group and an observer for ROSPA advanced driving tests. In short, he switches between

  • City's vagrants invite friends down to stay

    Brighton has become such an attractive destination, even the homeless are inviting their friends down for holidays. Toby Forer, general manager of the Sealife Centre on Marine Parade, became so upset at hearing vagrants had been abusing his staff and

  • Letter: Buy Toad Hall

    Park and ride is now back on the agenda of Brighton and Hove City Council but instead of linking it with a properly-funded and researched rapid transport system to serve the city limits and universities, the council again goes for the limited option of

  • Bullet train beach trips

    A scheme for a monorail system which could help ease Brighton and Hove's traffic gridlock was unveiled today. Designs for the £10 million bullet train have been put forward as an alternative rapid transport system for the city. The Brighton Monorail and

  • Letter: No imagination

    Mike Weathersley, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Brighton Pavilion, takes 300 words to criticise Lib Dem Councillor Paul Elgood for failing to come up with imaginative transport solutions (Letters, July 6). But what is Mike's own radical solution

  • Letter: Come and join us for a song

    After competing in Glasgow with other choruses from across the UK, Coastline Harmony Chorus is now settling back to rehearse and learn new songs for a show in the autumn. Under the direction of a new young dynamic musical director, the chorus welcomes

  • Rose vision key as M&S rejects latest offer

    The battle for Marks & Spencer was tonight focused on chief executive Stuart Rose after a third takeover approach from tycoon Philip Green was rejected. M&S continues to believe a strategy presentation from Mr Rose on Monday will show that Mr

  • Sainsbury's drops £2.3m share bonus

    Sainsbury's has reversed its controversial decision to give former chairman Sir Peter Davis shares worth about £2.3 million. The group's pay committee said it was unable to support its original recommendation to award 864,000 shares to Sir Peter for 2003

  • Awards spotlight on Searchlight

    A recruitment agency has been nominated as one of the most progressive employers of disabled people in the country. Searchlight Workshops, based in Newhaven, is up for a Leading The Way award for companies who help disabled people realise their potential

  • Parking charges are on the agenda

    Lomg-stay parking is expected to be one of the hot topics for discussion at a town centre business forum later this month. Traders in Horsham are being encouraged to attend the meeting to debate issues affecting business in the town. It follows a similar

  • Letter: Silver ring thing

    Central to the dodgy, money-spinning scam that is The Silver Ring Thing (The Argus, July 5), is the ridiculous notion that sex can only validly take place between a man and a woman who have married - and herein lies the hostility that so many Christian

  • Letter: Get in lane

    I recently contacted West Sussex County Council's Highway department regarding cycle lanes, in particular one which regularly has cars parked in it and more recently a builder's skip. They informed me that if this or any other such area has been marked

  • Letter: Set him free

    The Brighton and Hove group of Amnesty International is working towards the release of an Ethiopian prisoner, Mekonnen Dori, who was arrested and imprisoned nine years ago in Ethiopia. We don't know much about his treatment in prison but we do know he

  • Blair refuses to pay for Diego Garcians

    Tony Blair has rejected a council's £500,000 compensation claim for looking after a group of exiled islanders. West Sussex County Council wanted the Government to refund the cost of housing 75 Diego Garcians who have been unable to return to their island

  • Letter: Restricting motorists denies choice

    Having cycled with Association of British Drivers' Sussex rep Dave Razzell on the recent London to Brighton ride, I know Dave is a keen cyclist, leader of a walking group and an observer for ROSPA advanced driving tests. In short, he switches between

  • £15m king of bootleg

    A CD pirate who made £15 mill-ion ripping off the biggest names in showbusiness has been jailed. Mark Purseglove, 33, enjoyed a lavish lifestyle as he built up a global counterfeit CD empire during a scam which lasted 11 years. Oasis, the Beatles, Eminem

  • Letter: He never showed any mercy

    Saddam Hussein looked a broken man when he appeared in court to at long last face up to the consequences of crimes he has committed over the past 30 years (The Argus, July 2). He was demure and scared at the prospect of having to answer for his evil actions

  • Bullet train beach trips

    A scheme for a monorail system which could help ease Brighton and Hove's traffic gridlock was unveiled today. Designs for the £10 million bullet train have been put forward as an alternative rapid transport system for the city. The Brighton Monorail and

  • Letter: No imagination

    Mike Weathersley, Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Brighton Pavilion, takes 300 words to criticise Lib Dem Councillor Paul Elgood for failing to come up with imaginative transport solutions (Letters, July 6). But what is Mike's own radical solution

  • Letter: It's no solution

    I haven't read Councillor Paul Elgood's article but what Mike Weatherley is promoting would only increase congestion (Letters, July 5). Mr Weatherley suggests several ways of reducing congestion: 1) Motorists using bus lanes in the evening. Would this

  • Rugby: Davies takes over as coach at Heath

    Ian Davies has been lined up as the new head coach of Haywards Heath. Davies has resigned from his full-time post as director of rugby at Worthing. He is expected to take charge at Whitemans Green within the next month. His arrival is the most eye-catching

  • Bullet train beach trips

    A £10 million bullet train could run along Brighton's seafront. The futuristic monorail would link some of the main leisure attractions and would be the first public transport system of its kind in the UK. Plans were today unveiled for the system which

  • Sainsbury's drops £2.3m share bonus

    Sainsbury's has reversed its controversial decision to give former chairman Sir Peter Davis shares worth about £2.3 million. The group's pay committee said it was unable to support its original recommendation to award 864,000 shares to Sir Peter for 2003

  • Parking charges are on the agenda

    Lomg-stay parking is expected to be one of the hot topics for discussion at a town centre business forum later this month. Traders in Horsham are being encouraged to attend the meeting to debate issues affecting business in the town. It follows a similar

  • Sums are second to people these days

    "I am an accountant and therefore too boring to be of interest," declared John Cleese in one of Monty Python's crueller observational sketches. The image of a grey-suited man in horn-rimmed glasses punching equations into a calculator under a teetering