Discover a world of feuding mice as you travel through the Theatre Royal during its Christmas family show 100 Tales of Us.

This event takes younger children on a journey up and down the stairs at the theatre, where they learn about its hidden inhabitants. Three to seven-year-olds are the key audience on this magical adventure which includes audience interaction with the actors and puppets.

As they make their way through the theatre, children’s imaginations are fired up as the spot signs of mice and handy clues. There are no wiggling bottoms on seats with this promenade show, as the action and audience move on every ten minutes or so, keeping youngsters engaged.

During the one-hour experience there are three short performances with puppet mice while sitting on the stairs. Children are encouraged to ask questions and learn more about the two mice factions.

Once they learn the story there is time for a snack and a little craft activity, before exploring a final staircase to solve a mystery to bring peace to the theatre mice.

It is an extremely fun experience for small groups of children, with a maximum of 20 (including adults) per session.

Sarah Booker-Lewis