
Few parents of young children could have escaped Frozen (“that frosted film we all know and some of us love”) and so the spoof scenes in Defrosted appealed to them as much as their little ones.

Double act Cat Bellamy and Nicko Bendall, who run entertainment company Once Upon A Parachute, were full of infectious energy as they entertained for an hour of silliness and parody.

There were many Frozen references as they rescued Princess Banana, found “wandering around on a mountain in a highly inappropriate dress” from the boring castle of Arunsmell. The pair set off on a hilarious quest for happiness via the Fjords of Norway.

Nicko ran around with a bag of frozen peas on his head from the “magical freezer” after Cat conked him on the head, much to the young crowd’s amusement.

There was a snow machine, which added to the audience’s excitement, and some children went on stage to sing Let It Go, which they all loved.

Cat and Nicko worked really well together and pitched the humour and craziness just right for young children.

Despite all the spoof songs such as “Do you want to build a ..bungalow?” the pair could actually sing beautifully.