The audience were eating out of Frisky’s hand from the start. With a get-up to rival the best pantomime dame in signature red wig, sunshine yellow corset, fuschia skirt and red heels, she commanded participation in her game.

This might have been a risky start but she pulled it off with aplomb: a few minutes in, practically everyone was on their feet auditioning for a job as a pop star. A simple process of elimination left everyone categorised as a Razorlight, an Elvis, a Britney or a Justin Bieber type, except John, who was bluntly singled out as a category of his own - for fun to be had onstage later on.

This was an interesting turn of events since Frisky And Mannish themselves (aka Laura Corcoran and Matthew Jones) defy categorisation, describing themselves as “popmusicy-seriocomic-mashparodic-stereophonic-LOUD-vaudevillian-sketchcabaret-throwbackcurrent-oldfangled-newfashioned-bapsbotty-infotainment”. Weirdly, this makes sense after seeing the show. In concise terms, they combine musical cabaret with poking fun at pop stars.

Famous for their rendition of Madonna’s Papa Don’t Preach as an aria, which was the catalyst of their illustrious career in 2009, they have since attracted five-star reviews all over the world.

The pair’s latest show also features mash-ups of pop songs to highly comic effect. Apart from the laughs – there are plenty – and the silliness, the script is really very clever, for all its apparent simplicity.

Warning: only those with some knowledge of pop should apply.