"Like a third marriage stag night" was how Phill Jupitus described his motley crew of Comedy Store improvisers on Saturday night.

The Comedy Store style of improv has been fairly well established ever since Who's Line Is It Anyway? brought their made-up-on-the-spot humour into living rooms across the country.

And so in terms of games and structure there were few surprises from the veteran four-strong team, which saw Jupitus joined by Andy Smart, Steve Steen and an ailing Steve Frost.

Old favourites such as the film and theatre styles game were dusted off, with the quartet showing their versatility and quick-fire wit as they moved effortlessly from western to Carry On to opera.

The highlight of the all-too-quick hour-long performance was an extended two-man piece featuring Smart translating a talk from Steen's Tavalu official about weaving and cooking - with Steen being forced to conclude the sketch with a song-and-dance routine.

In terms of inventiveness, the team were able to take the audience from toilet humour to the development of Hitler's trademark salute with little effort.

But despite the fact all the jokes were new and never-before-performed, there was a feeling the players were retreading old ground.

Perhaps the Comedy Store stable needs to establish a few new games, introduce a selection of younger faces or shake up the formula a little - otherwise they will soon find themselves overtaken by the new crop of more experimental improv performers, if they haven't been already.