Judging which bands will succeed or sink without trace after the mass showcase of The Great Escape is tricky. You could stick a pin anywhere in the huge list of performers and end up with the sublime or the ridiculous.

AlunaGeorge, though, have a formula signposted for success.

Vocalist Aluna Francis - who could be spotted stage left limbering up with some acrobatic stretches and serious preening before taking to the stage - has the sort of thin, shrill vocals perfectly tailored to dancey R ’n’ B pop, which is exactly what George Reid provides her with.

But this was more than a craftily executed throwback to a well-trodden path - Reid likes to introduce bleeps, gurgles and dub-like staccato glitches to the urban groove, giving an underlying edge to things.

You Know You Like it beat a straight path back to the sort of space-funk sleekness Timbaland and The Neptunes have used to hit the top of the charts, except with plenty of added weirdness courtesy of Reid's ear for clever production.

Francis shimmied and shook over it, exuding sassy charisma. This duo have much more to come.