A group of pupils have been praised for helping a man after he fell.

The four Bishop Bell School pupils were walking home from school when they noticed a man had tripped and fallen outside the doctors’ surgery at Sovereign Harbour in Eastbourne.

The pupils – Kamran Siddiqui and Lily-Kate Apps from Year 8 and Ellis Lambert-Russell and Chloe Barnes from Year 7 – crossed the road to see if the man was all right, but noticed he had a cut on his head and blood on his face.

Kamran and Lily-Kate went into the surgery to alert staff while Chloe and Ellis stayed with the man and his wife.

The pupils then helped the man to his feet and he was being treated by medical staff from the surgery.

The man wrote to Bishop Bell School to let staff know how appreciative he was and to praise the actions, kindness and quick thinking of the pupils.

Headteacher Mr Jewell said: “We know our pupils to be kind-natured and community-minded. We are very proud of them all.”

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