For the benefit of the few who use them, £600,000 was spent on cycle lanes in The Drive and Grand Avenue.

These lanes are positioned between areas for parking and the pavement, thus encouraging motorists to walk across the lane to get to and from their car.

No one has complained, so why do cyclists suddenly think there is a problem when using their dedicated lane along the Kingsway pavement? They are lucky to have their own lane.

Has anyone considered that the promenade (an area set aside for walking) is perfect for children to run around without fear of traffic or to ride their scooters without parents having to unduly worry about their safety?

Keep cycle lanes alongside roads. These machines can be as lethal as cars and should be treated as such. Would bikes be allowed in Churchill Square?

Get real. The promenade is for “promenading” – it’s not a velodrome.

Mel Smith, Winfield Avenue, Brighton

I would love to be able to cycle along the promenade.

I’m older and go slowly but love cycling, especially along the seafront.

The cycle lane in Hove has too many 90 degree bends, parts shared with the road and too many dogs and children running across it.

I think cycling should be allowed but there should be consideration by all users to take due care.

J Lamb, Hove

If you cycle in European cities (such as Valencia, Copenhagen or Strasbourg) you will notice a far more tolerant attitude towards cyclists.

They are seen as equal to pedestrians and vehicles and entirely integrated into urban structures and city life.

In the UK, for some reason, we tend to demonise cyclists, or at the least see them as an unnecessary nuisance.

The cycling ban on the seafront should be lifted for the very reason of gradually altering this attitude we have – most cyclists are respectful of other road users.

There will always be a small number of rude and discourteous cyclists, car drivers and pedestrians – Brighton is a crowded space.

The more cyclists are welcomed into the civic transport network, the more accepted they will become, and they might be less defensive and prone to reaction when they are faced with undue and biased criticism, which is not helpful for anyone involved.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I have been sworn at for merely being in the correct place on the road on my bike.

The Argus itself should be a beacon of supporting cycling in the city in a positive way.

Like walking, cycling is a win-win activity for personal health and the environment, and is a cheap way to commute.

Phil Taylor, Brighton