Well said Nicholas Dunn-Coleman (Letters, May 16) for making an effort and dressing in smart attire.

I always dress in smart and usually classic fashion.

Apart from my husband, I am not necessarily doing it for other people but mainly for my own self-esteem.

It makes me feel good to wear nice clothes and look smart. Everything is coordinated, even down to the jewellery I wear. There is no reason why a man should not do the same and, yes, I certainly do notice when a man has made the effort to look nice and smart.

When my husband and I go out, I always try to make us as colour-coordinated as possible. He knows it pleases me and makes me proud, as I always am to have him beside me.

Scruffy and ripped jeans, along with stained and faded T-shirts need to go in the rag bag. There is nothing wrong with making an effort and being proud of who you are. Good impressions really do make a difference.

Christine Luffman, Rotherfield Crescent, Hollingbury

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