Casus - Knee Deep a fusion of traditional and contemporary circus techniques performed by Emma Serjeant, Jesse Scott, Lachlan McAulay and Natano Fa’anana. This was a truly mesmerising show, which thrilled and completely captivated the audience in a world of twists and turns. A gripping sensation rippled through the auditorium while those watching clung to the edge of their seats, engrossed in the creativeness and team work that flowed throughout the whole performance.

The opening scene was an interesting contrast from balancing on eggs to an unravelling scene of acrobatics. Throughout the whole show, move after move, step after step, roll after roll the audience were transfixed to the fluidity and breathtaking scenes that were taking place.

The finale was a great success which proceeded with an array of strengths and balances making the show a thrill to watch. The performance grabbed the audience from beginning to end, weaving us through an extra-ordinary life of patterns. I would definitely highly recommend this act as it was performed to the extreme!