I must comment on your story about longer hours for parking wardens in Crawley (The Argus, June 4).

Crawley Borough Council has announced that parking enforcement officers will be working until 10.30pm and upholding parking restrictions on double yellow lines and in the council’s car parks on Sundays.

Perhaps Crawley drivers should come down to Henfield where, two years ago, a PCSO told me she had been told not to book drivers parked on the double yellow lines running the whole length of our high street unless they were causing an obstruction.

But isn’t that why the double yellow lines were painted on the main street in the first place?

Our high street is now one-way-only, with heavy lorries using the middle of the road while car drivers scuttle for cover.

Outside one shop, the police wrapped “no waiting” signs around three short posts on the pavement with the usual threats of being ticketed.

That was probably six months ago and we did, on one occasion, have a traffic warden book a car.

Drivers should know parking on the zigzag lines on each side of a set of pedestrian lights is illegal but when I suggested to this warden that he should book all the cars illegally parked on double yellow lines he replied he only had ten minutes in the high street before doing the rounds in other villages, with ten minutes at each place.

The double yellow lines never seem to be noticed as they fade and get worn away, but instead of repainting them to legal standards, lo and behold, the public free car park behind the bus shelter has had its spaces painted with dazzling thick yellow paint.

I don’t suppose wardens are allowed in that car park.

R Metson, Chestnut Way, Henfield